342 766: Advanced Computer Networks (Fall 2019)

Course Description:
Computer network and Internet, computer network layers, application layer, HyperText Transfer protocol (HTTP), electronic mail, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Domain Name System (DNS), transport layer, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Internet layer, Internet Protocol (IP), network routing, datalink layer, Local Area Networks (LANs), Multimedia Networking, Network Monitoring and Management, Wireless and Mobile Networking, Computer and Network Security.

Prerequisite: Basic Network Configuration, Data Structure, Basic Computer System and Organization, C and/or C++ programming skills and Script Language

Instructor: Chakchai So-In, Ph.D., chakso AT kku.ac.th
Office: SC 6706
Location: The class meets on Saturday at 08.30am to 15:00pm (6204)
Office Hours: Saturday 08.00am to 08.30am
Class homepage: http://csperson.kku.ac.th/chakchai/342766_Fall19/
CNAP material: Cisco Network Academy CCNA
Teaching Assistant:
  • Phet Imtongkhum phet AT kkumail.com, Office hour Saturday 05.00pm to 07.00pm @6204
  • Chatchai Punriboon kengtaykung AT gmail.com, Office hour Saturday 05.00pm to 07.00pm @6204

  • Facebook Group: Facebook Group
    Class Email: cs342766 AT gmail.com
    The main textbooks for the course are
    1. Computer Networks by Chakchai So-In, 2018.
    2. Computer Network Lab 2nd edition (Thai Edition), by Chakchai So-In et al., 2017
    3. คู่มือเรียนและใช้งาน Network Security Lab ฉบับใช้งานจริง by Chakchai So-In et al., 2016.

    Supplementary (CCNA Cisco Academy Program Semester I-IV)
    1. Computer Networks: A Top-Down Approach (5th edition) by J. F. Kurose and K. W. Ross, 2009
    2. LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide, by W. Lewis, 2008
    3. Accessing the WAN, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide, by B. Vachon and R. Graziani, 2008
    4. Network Fundamentals, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide, by M. Dye, R. McDonald, and A. Rufi, 2007
    5. Routing Protocols and Concepts, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide, by R. Graziani and A. Johnson, 2007
    6. CCNA Portable Command Guide, by Scott Empson, 2005

    Other Thai book (easy-reading)
    1. กิตติ ภักดีวัฒนะกุล และ สุธี พงศาสกุลชัย (2554) เครือข่ายคอมพิวเตอร์ (Computer Networks) สำนักพิมพ์ เคทีพี
    2. สัลยุทธ์ สว่างวรรณ (ผู้แปล) (2545) Computer Networks : เครือข่ายคอมพิวเตอร์, สำนักพิมพ์เพียร์สัน เอ็ดดูเคชั่น อินโดไชน่า
    3. จักกริช พฤษการ (ผู้แปล) (2549) การสื่อสารข้อมูลและเครือข่ายคอมพิวเตอร์ (Data Communication Networking), สำนักพิมพ์ท็อป
    4. สัลยุทธ์ สว่างวรรณ (ผู้แปล) (2551) หลักสูตร CCNA1/Cisco Networking Academy Program CCNA1, สำนักพิมพ์เพียร์สัน เอ็ดดูเคชั่น อินโดไชน่า
    5. สัลยุทธ์ สว่างวรรณ (ผู้แปล) (2551) หลักสูตร CCNA2/Cisco Networking Academy Program CCNA1, สำนักพิมพ์เพียร์สัน เอ็ดดูเคชั่น อินโดไชน่า
    Other good books include
    1. TCP/IP Sockets in C: Practical Guide for Programmers by Michael J. Donahoo, 2001
    2. Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol 1 (5th Edition) by Douglas E. Comer, 2005
    3. An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking: ATM Networks, the Internet, and the Telephone Network by Srinivasan Keshav, 1997
    4. Unix Network Programming, Volume 1: The Sockets Networking API by W. Richard Stevens, Bill Fenner, and Andrew M. Rudoff, 2003
    5. TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol. 1: The Protocols by W. Richard Stevens, 1994.
    6. Data and Computer Communications (9th edition) by William Stallings, 2010
    7. Slides from Prof. Raj Jain, CSE473S: Introduction to Computer Networks, 2008-2009
    Most importantly, please READ all Wiki related topics.
    Socket Programming http://www.prasannatech.net/2008/07/socket-programming-tutorial.html
    Report from Network Architecture Class @KKU
    Project (Class in 2019)
    Project (Class in 2018)
    Project (Class in 2017)
    Project (Class in 2016)
    Project (Class in 2015)
    Project (Class in 2014)
    Example Project I (Class in 2013)
    Lecture Schedule: (Tentative Subject to Change)
    1-2Saturday27/07/2019No Class - Lab Preparation
    3-4Saturday03/08/2019Course Overview: Introduction to Computer Networks + TCP/IP: Internet and Application Layer
    5-6Saturday10/08/2019TCP/IP: Transport Layer + TCP/IP: Network Layer
    7-8Saturday17/08/2019#Labs 1+2+3 (Chapters 1+2+3) + #Labs 4+5+6 (Chapters 4+5+6)
    9-10Saturday24/08/2019TCP/IP: Link layer and LAN + Network Management and Multimedia Networking + Network Tool/Testbed Selection Proposal Presentation (Simulation Testbed and Manual = NS2, NS3, OMNET+, MoteLab, Emulab, etc.) + Encoragement + Dhamma #1 + Dhamma #2
    11-12Saturday31/08/2019#Labs 7+8 (Chapters 9+12) + #Lab 9+10 (Chapters 11+13)
    13-14Saturday07/09/2019Mobile and Wireless Networking + Network Security
    15-16Saturday14/09/2019Labs 10+12 (Wireless Chapters 13+14 and Security Chapters 3+8)
    17-18Saturday21/09/2019Final Exam (week 16/09-20/09): Lecture + Lab (8.30-11.30 + 13.00-16.00)
    19Saturday29/09/20191 paper-presentation (group of 2 + review/pros/cons) + Final Presentation (Project)

    Assignments (Fall 2019 schedule) (Subject to Change)
    Four or six (group) homeworks will be assigned throughout the course.
    All assignment should be turned via Google Drive= 342766_Fall19. Late lab homework will be assessed a 30% penalty.
    Each pair-homework should include title prefix = "GroupID_HWID" such that ID is your Group/HW number; e.g., Group1_HW1.docx
    Each pair-lab should include title prefix = "GroupID_LabID" such that ID is your Group/Lab number; e.g., Group1_Lab1.docx
    Each pair-lab homework should include title prefix = "GroupID_LabHWID" such that ID is your Group/Groupd_SubGroup/Lab number; e.g., Group1_LabHW1.docx
    Tentative Homework: 1) Computer and Internet, 2) Transport Layer, 3) Network Layer, 4) Link Layer, 5) Network Management and Multimedia Networking, 6) Wireless Networking, 7) Security
    Note:For homework and lab assignment; you MUST include the cover letter with students' signature OTHERWISE they WILL NOT be graded.
    1-paper Presentation
    Each group selects any paper (Conference/Journal, e.g., NCCIT, NCIT, ICSEC) (Thai/English) and make a presentation in detail (in the last 3 years)
    Topic = (Search) = Internet/Network/Security/Wireless/Mobile etc.
    References =
    Submission: paper.pdf + paper.ppt; such as Group1_paper1.pdf + Group1_paper1.ppt
    Score = based on the discussion during the presentation Academic Integrity
    Students at Khon Khan University are engaged in the first step for their professional career with the highest standards. Please follow the academic integrity guideline at Cheating and Plagiarism [@CMU]. All these rules are enforced for the entire course.
    Network Tool/APP/Simulation Project (2-3 students)
    The course includes either hands-on project = Networking Simulation Testbed and Manual Report (NS2, NS3, OMNET+, MoteLab, Emulab, MatLab, PlanetLab, etc.) [See OPNET and NS2])
    There is about 20 mins for final presentation and demo. (TBA)

    Examples of projects' simulation ideas can be as follows:
    Future Internet or Next Generation Internet, High Speed TCP, Voice over IP, Video (MPEG) over IP transmission, Intrusion Detection/Protection System (IDS/IPS), Advanced Peer-to-Peer Network, Distributed Grid Cloud Computing, Network Virtualization, Network Simulation/Emulator/Testbed, Pervasive computing, Delay-tolerant and opportunistic networking, Internet of Things, Internet Neutrality, Green Networking and Communication, QoS over Datanetwork, Datacenter Networks, Optical Networking, Network Monitoring and Management, 100 Gigabit Ethernet, Web Services Architecture, Survivability Networking, Beyond Web 2.0, Semantic Web and Ontologies, SAN+NAS, Social Computing and Networking, Future Internet Routing, Self-Organizing Networks and Networked Systems, Network Resilience by Multi-Homing

    Network Tool/APP/Simulation Milestone


    Completion Date

    #1Simulation/Tool Topic Selection + 15 mins Presentation (what is it) + Show Available Code/Platform24/08/2019
    #21-paper Presentation + Final Presentation (20 mins) PPT + Demo + .DOC/Poster + Code29/09/2019

    Grading: (Tentative)
    Mid-Term/Final Exam40%
    Final Lab Exam10%-15%
    Class participation + Homework + Lab + Quiz20%-30%
    Networking Simulation/Tool + Hello World + Paper Presentation20%-30%
    The students are allowed to bring only "ONE" piece of A4 paper in each exam with simple calculator. The final exam material will be after the mid-term; however, all related contents will be also covered.
    The exam includes 1. True/False (+1, -1, and 0), 2. Numerical and Analysis, and 3. Fill in the blank.
    The final grade will be curved based on the overall performance of the whole class (probablistic clear cut-off point).
    Note 1: The accepted paper will be granted 10% additional of total grade (an acceptance letter is informed by final exam day).
    Note 2: Students who pass CCNA exam (with CCNA certification) will be granted 10% additional of total grade. (Students can request 50% discount voucher after completing a 4-semesters exam)
    Useful links for reference and tools/testbeds projects:
    1. Companion websites for the textbooks Kurose & Ross (4th ed.) and Peterson & Davie (4th ed.)
    2. IETF  (Internet  Engineering Task  Force),  resource  for  RFCs  and  Internet  drafts.
    3. Download and documentation sites for the ns-2 and ns-3 network simulators.
    4. The EU Haggle project for situated and autonomic communications.
    5. Community site for the OMNeT++ simulator.
    6. Registration and download site for OPNET IT Guru Academic Edition (Windows® platform only).
    7. The PlanetLab site.
    8. Utah Emulab network emulation testbed with PlanetLab interface, and extensions for wireless, mobile and sensor networks.
    9. Wisconsin Advanced Internet Laboratory (WAIL), another Emulab open for external research and experimentation.
    10. The WAN in Lab (WiL)  at  Caltech.
    11. Open Network Laboratory (ONL) at Washington University.
    12. ORBIT Lab at Rutgers University Wireless Information Networking Laboratory.
    13. CRAWDAD: A Community Resource for Archiving Wireless Data At Dartmouth.
    14. MoteLab sensor network testbed at Harvard University.
    15. Kansei sensor testbed at Ohio State University.

    Other related research:
    1. Sally Floyd at ICIR, http://www.icir.org/floyd/
    2. Netlab at Caltech, http://netlab.caltech.edu/
    3. Information Systems Networking Lab at Stanford http://simula.stanford.edu/index.html
    4. High-Performance Networking Group at Stanford, http://yuba.stanford.edu/
    5. Frank Kelly at Cambridge, http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~frank/
    6. R. Srikant at UIUC, http://www.ifp.uiuc.edu/~srikant/
    7. Dina Katabi at MIT, http://www.ana.lcs.mit.edu/dina/XCP/
    8. Network Systems Group at Princetonhttp://www.cs.princeton.edu/nsg/
    9. Network Research Lab at UCLA, http://www.cs.ucla.edu/NRL/hpi/tcpw/index.html
    10. Injong Rhee at NCSU, http://www.csc.ncsu.edu/faculty/rhee/
    11. Jitendra Padhye at Microsoft Corp, http://research.microsoft.com/%7Epadhye/
    12. Jean Walrand at UCBerkeleyhttp://walrandpc.eecs.berkeley.edu/
    13. Shivkumar Kalyanaraman at RPI, http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Homepages/shivkuma/research/cong-papers.html
    14. A. L. Narasimha Reddy at TAMU, http://www.ece.tamu.edu/~reddy/
    15. Jim Roberts at France Telecom R&D, http://perso.rd.francetelecom.fr/roberts/
    16. Advanced Networking Research at Pittsburg Supercomputing Center, http://www.psc.edu/networking/
    17. Standford Linear Accelerator Center, http://www.slac.stanford.edu/
    18. The Hamilton Institute is a multi-disciplinary research centre, http://www.hamilton.ie/net/htcp/

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