Chakchai So-In, Ph.D., (H-index = 33)
Professor of Computer Science
IEEE/ACM Senior Members
ORCID: 0000-0003-1026-191X
Scopus: 57218454758 WOS: I-7907-2012
Applied Network Technology (ANT), Department of Computer Science, College of Computing, Khon Kaen University
Address: 123 Village No. 16 Mittraphap Rd., Nai-Muang, Muang District, Khon Kaen, 40002 Thailand
Email: [chakso (at)]; [so-in (at)]; [chakchai (at)]
Current Research: Computer Network & Internet Technology, Wireless & Mobile Networks, Internet of Things (IoT), Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence (AI)
[Short Bio]
- [News] Technical Program (TP) Co-Chairs: Wimob 2024 The 20th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications
- [News] Joining Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (ISI/WOS) IF=5.9 IEEE (2024-present)
- Recruiting New Ph.D. and Master students - Full Scholarship (Tuition + Living expense)
- [Papers] Journal: S. Phoemphon, N. Leelathakul, and C. So-In, "An enhanced node segmentation and distance estimation scheme with improved PSO for obstacle-aware wireless sensor network localization," Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 221, 103783, January 2024. (SCI-E/ISI) (IF=8.7)
- [Papers] Conference: @GLOBECOM 2024: I. C. K. Sihomnou, A. Benslimane, G. Deugoue, C. So-In, A. H. A. Hemida, and C. A. Kamhoua, "Mitigating Energy Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Deception: A Game Theoretic Approach," in Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom 2024), Dec. 2024.
Note: Click here for complete list of awards
Note: Click here for complete list of News Archive
Course Projects, Tools, and Testbeds:
Youtube Project: Click Here
- Grant (KKU + PSU + CMU) (2024-present)
Cybersecurity Human Resource Development for Public Health Sector (Reginal Networks)
- Grant from Research Industry (2021-present)
A Study and Performance Optimization of Wireless Sensor Network/ Internet of Thing Management Systems (Cont.)
"Throughput Optimization for NOMA Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio with Multi-UAV-Assisted Relaying under Security Constraints," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, Nov. 2022. (IF=6.359)
- Grant from the Department of Computer Science, College of Computing, Khon Kaen University (2024-present)
Deep Learning Applications for Future Wireless Communication Optimization
= "Quantized deep learning channel model and estimation for RIS-gMIMO communication," IEEE Open J. of the Commun. Society (OJCOMM), October 2024. (IF=6.3)
= "Reliable data transmission for a VANET-IoIT architecture: A DNN approach," Internet of Things (Netherlands), February 2024. (IF=5.9)
= "A Novel Transceiver and an Asynchronous Mode for the Hybrid Multiple-Access HetNet Architecture," IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 135609-135625, November 2023. (IF=3.4)
Note: Click here for complete list of research projects/ grants
- [J] S. Phoemphon, N. Leelathakul, and C. So-In, "An enhanced node segmentation and distance estimation scheme with improved PSO for obstacle-aware wireless sensor network localization," Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 221, 103783, January 2024. (IF=8.7)
- [J] V-H. D., L-M-D. Nguyen, V. N. Vo, H. Tran, T. D. Ho, C. So-In, and S. Sanguanpong "Throughput Optimization for NOMA Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio with Multi-UAV-Assisted Relaying under Security Constraints," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 82-98, 2023. (IF=6.359)
- [J] P. Musikawan, Y. Kongsorot, P. Muneesawang, C. So-In, "An Enhanced Obstacle-Aware Deployment Scheme with an Opposition-based Competitive Swarm Optimizer for Mobile WSNs," Expert System With Application (ESWA), vol. 189, 116035, March 2022. (IF=6.954)
- [J] T. G. Nguyen, T. P. Van, D. Hoang, T. N. Nguyen, and C. So-In, "Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Monitoring in SDN-Based IoT Networks," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 1048-1065, Dec. 2021. (IF=4.341)
- [J] S. Phoemphon, C. So-In, and N. Leelathakul, "A Hybrid Localization Model using Node Segmentation and Improved Particle Swarm Optimization with Obstacle-awareness for Wireless Sensor Networks," Expert System With Application (ESWA), vol. 143, April 2020. (IF=5.452)
- [C] I. C. K. Sihomnou, A. Benslimane, G. Deugoue, C. So-In, A. H. A. Hemida, and C. A. Kamhoua, "Mitigating Energy Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Deception: A Game Theoretic Approach," in Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom 2024), July 2024.
- [C] K. Chitavisutthivong, C. So-In, and S. Supittayapornpong, "Designing Optimal Compact Oblivious Routing for Datacenter Networks in Polynomial Time," in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2023), vol. 2023, May 2023.
Note: Click here for complete lists of Journals/Proceedings publications
Note: Click here for complete lists of book publications
Editorial Member:
- IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (ISI/WOS) IF=5.9; 2024-Present
- Scientific Reports (Computational Science ISI/WOS) IF=3.8; 2024-Present
- IEEE Access (ISI/WOS) IF=3.745; 2019-Present
- PeerJ (Computer Science ISI/WOS) IF=3.8; 2014-Present (Section Editor)
- PLOS ONE (Computer and Information Science ISI/WOS) IF=3.24; 2019-Present
- Wireless Networks (ISI/WOS) IF=2.602; 2022-Present
General Chair/Program Chair/Technical Program Chair/Co-Chairs:
- The 20th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (Wimob 2024), 2024-Present
- International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST), 2020-Present
- International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (JCSSE), 2018-Present
- International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC), 2021-Present
- Transactions/Journals = IEEE, ACM, Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, IET, Inderscience, IEICE, ETRI, etc.
- Conferences = IEEE, ACM, Springer, etc.
Academic Volunteer:
- IEEE: Vice Chair on IEEE Thailand (Computer Society Chapter)
Note: Click here for complete list of services
- To apply in Master and/or Ph.D. programs at the Department of Computer Sciences at Khon Khan University, please check the graduate information web page at for the steps of the application process. Due to the high volume of messages and/or limitation of funding resource, I may not be able to respond to e-mail from all applicants or evaluate their chances of securing admission or assistantships.
- Recruiting New Ph.D. and Master students - Full Scholarship (Tuition + Living expense);, in particular, ASEAN candidates, here at ASEAN-KKU IAD also visit the active recruitment
Current Students:
Post-Doctoral Scholar
Ph.D. Candidate
- Nguyen Cuong (Ph.D.): IoT: Distribuited Learning (2024/2-Present); Co-Adviser: Dr. Praisan Padungweang + Dr. Satit Kravenkit @KKU.AC.TH
- Zhisuo Sun (Ph.D.): IoT: Tiny Machine Learning (2023/1-Present); Co-Adviser: Dr. Yanika Kongsorot + Dr. Phet Imtongkhum @KKU.AC.TH
- Joydev Ghosh (Ph.D.): VANET and IoT: Architecture Optimization (2022/2-Present)
= "Quantized deep learning channel model and estimation for RIS-gMIMO communication," IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 5, pp. 6932-6958, October 2024.
= "Reliable data transmission for a VANET-IoIT architecture: A DNN approach," Internet of Things (Netherlands), February 2024.
= "A Novel Transceiver and an Asynchronous Mode for the Hybrid Multiple-Access HetNet Architecture," IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 135609-135625, November 2023.
- Chatchai Punriboon (Ph.D.): Wireless Sensor Networks: Routing and Planning (2019/1-Present); Co-Adviser: Dr. Nutthanon Leelathakul @BUU.AC.TH
= "Fuzzy Logic-Based Path Planning for Data Gathering Mobile Sinks in WSNs," IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 96002-96020, July 2021.
= "A Heuristic-Based Efficient Path Planning Scheme for Data Gathering WSNs Using Mobile Sinks," ICSEC, pp. 87-92, November 2021.
- Chinapat Sakunrasrisuay (Ph.D.): Internet of Things: Smart Farm - Automation and Recognition (2020/1-Present); Co-Adviser: Dr. Pakarat Musikawan @KKU.AC.TH
= "Tomato Maturity Classification: A Transfer Learning Approach," ICSEC, Nov. 2021.
Master Thesis
- Titaya Sriwuttisap (MSc.): Wireless Sensor Networks/ Internet of Things: Security (2020/1-Present)
Undergrad Students
- Pornthita Toobchan and Pakamat Moongpao: ImiRobot - Pet Friendly
- Sutthipong Panpakdee and Thamanawan Nacharoua: Kinderbot
- Pawina Chapanya and Chartaporn Jullasri: Phishing Detection
- Pongsatorn Rajchaplan and Theerasak Duangdaopharam: Ransomeware Detection using ML
- Weerachit Chaiwongkhom and Kanokpron Rodsomjit: Cannabis Indoor
- Seksan Phonwiset and Nattharida Rasri: DDoS Attack Testbed
Note: Click here for complete list of students
Advisors/Supervisor (PhD/Master/BEng):
- Prof. Raj Jain @CSE-WUSTL, Prof. Sergey Gorinsky @IMDEA Networks, Prof. Surasak Sanguanpong @CPE-KU, Dr. Gopal Dommety @Cisco Systems (Silocon Valley), Dr. Shyam Pakreh @Bell Labs (Hurray Hill)
PhD commitee members:
- Prof. Paul Min @ESE-WUSTL, Prof. Yixin Chen @CSE-WUSTL, Prof. Viktor Gruev @ESE-ILLINOIS, Prof. Robert Pless @CS-GWU, Dr. Shyam Pakreh @Bell Labs (Hurray Hill)
Past PhD Students/PostDoc:
Dr. Heng Sovannarith (Royal University of Phnom Penh),
Dr. Pakarat Musikawan (Khon Kaen University),
Dr. Yanika Kongsorot (Khon Kaen University),
Dr. Nhat Nguyen Anh (FPT University),
Dr. Phet Imtongkhum (Khon Kaen University),
Dr. Songyut Phoemphon (Suranaree University of Technology),
Dr. Vo Nhan Van (Duy Tan University),
Dr. Tri Gia Nguyen (FPT University Danang),
Dr. Kanokmon Rujirakul (Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University)
Last updated May 2023
Copyright © 1999-2023 Chakchai So-In, Ph.D. All rights reserved.